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Becaustic Xmas(Streaming)

녹화의 공개는 없습니다 (시청 기한: 1/6/2021 (Wed) 23:59 JST까지)

“Becaustic Xmas”

The experimental project "Becaustic" is led by two ex-BEAT CRUSADERS, umu & hidaka. They released the M-Card(Download Cards made by Daiki distribution), which includes new songs of their current band, umu&the pankyjive & GALLOW.

They toured several cities to sell the M-Card with their original Tote bags, T-shirts & Long-Sleeve Tees.
This event will be their last online show of 2020, and will announce some new topics for next year.

date : 12/23(wed)
place : shibuya MsmileBOX
time : open19:00 / start19:30
price : Live 2,000yen / Streaming 1,000yen

acts : GALLOW / umu&the pankyjive

티켓 구매

Becaustic Xmas(Streaming) 1,000 엔(세금 포함)
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